So Cal


Haven't see rain like that in years ! Thunder was making the dogs bark.Tornado warnings??!It's been wild ... everything flooded...they are showing a car and stuff turned over from heavy winds ... and they say the nice storm is going to be worst . Hold on ! SOME NEW PICTURES BELOW .

Weather for Torrance, CA 90505

Right Now
Humidity: 99%
Winds: SE at 15 mph

56° | 47°

60° | 49°

59° | 47°

56° | 43°

61° | 42°

No Better Time Than Now !

 With all that is in the news , there is no better time than now to clean out your cabinets, pantries, closets, to get rid of excess. Nothing makes you feel better than to be active when you what to do more than just donate money . Start locally. This year decide to get rid of the clutter, keep only what matters, give away , donate, throw out or recycle, is always best ! WE have so much and there are still so many that need our help ! 
" 2010 I will be thin !" also means   "Less is More !" 
" 2010  I will not spend ! "  Another focus is to challenge myself to use what I have, to save 60 % and live on 40 %. 

I am very exciting to challenge myself this year more , instead of just wishes . If you don't have space for your own garden , try a small window or tabletop kitchen garden or even check with your local parks if they have a community garden you can join .  Growing more of  my own organic food this year , I am hoping not only to become healthier, no chemicals , help me save grocery money, de- stressing with more fresh air and exercise. 

What is clear is that it will take a coordinated effect to reduce and offset the in balances of our world and society. Although these changes are significant , simplification, will be the secret . 

That will be  another topic ; K.I.S.S. (Keep it simply stupid.)

Remember we all learned to walk , one step at a time . And with patience and practice , guess what , we did it !
And so it is .

It happened again

After going through the Northridge earthquake ourselves in 1994 , I have a little glimpse of what it is like . For a split second you think you are going to die and then it's over. It was for about a year that I woke up everyday right at 4:31a.m. in the morning ... the same time the earthquake hit . But that can't compare to what they are going through over in Haiti. To this day we have our earthquake supplies ready at hand . You learn quickly when your services and supplies are nothing for two weeks and there nothing you can do . It happened when 9/11 and  Katrina hit , and the tornado that hit our hometown .. our lives here are so full here  and yet there are so many without anything ! Not even water to drink . Washing the dishes or brushing my teeth , showering , I do not want to waste one drop of water ~ knowing they have no drops of water to drink ...our hearts are heavy and go out to those in need . Please help and donate of you can .

Every cent , every dollar can help, please if you can help the earthquake victims.

Welcome to City Living

An insight to down home living in the city.